Sixty-two species of birds breed in Seychelles. This total includes 15 endemics, 18 seabirds, 11 waterbirds, 10 native (non-endemic) land birds and 8 introduced species.
Seychelles Endemics There are 15 species endemic to Seychelles, 12 of which breed in the granitic islands with a further 3 species at Aldabra:
Native (non-endemic) land birds Though not endemic to Seychelles 9 of the following 10 species have endemic races in Seychelles (as shown in the scientific names). Madagascar Cisticola is endemic to the Malagasy region, also present on Madagascar and Iles Glorieuses. Pied Crow is a natural coloniser present throughout the western Malagasy region and sub-Saharan Africa.
Madagascar KestrelFalco newtoni aldabranus Comoro Blue PigeonAlectroenas sganzini minor Madagascar Turtle Dove Streptopelia picturata Madagascar CoucalCentropus toulou insularis Madagascar Nightjar Caprimulgus madagascariensis Madagascar Bulbul Hypsipetes madagascariensis Madagascar CisticolaCisticola cherina Souimanga Sunbird Nectarinia souimanga aldabrensis (Aldabra), buchenorum (Cosmoledo), abbotti (Assumption) Madagascar White-eyeZosterops maderaspatana Pied CrowCorvus albus Introduced land birds Some introduced species have been eradicated. There are 8 remaining introduced species. Grey FrancolinFrancolinus pondicerianus Feral PigeonColumba livia Barred Ground DoveGeopelia striata Barn OwlTyto alba Common Myna Acridotheres tristis Common WaxbillEstrilda astrild House Sparrow Passer domesticus Madagascar (Red) FodyFoudia madagascariensis