Records accepted in January 2013 included not one, nor two, nor even three but four new records for Seychelles. These were Red-billed Duck Anas erythrorhyncha, Lesser Moorhen Gallinula angulata,Red Knot Calidris canutus and Richard's Pipit Anthus richardi.
To download full details of records accepted during the month click here.
April 2013
Lesser Moorhen at Aldabra (Tony Jupiter)
Having accepted the first record of a Lesser Moorhen in January, an old record accepted as "Gallinule sp." was reviewed. Upon review this was also accepted as Lesser Moorhen.
To download full details of records accepted during the month click here.
May 2013
Pied Avocet at Bird Island (John Phillips)
A Pied Avocet Recurvirostra avosetta at Bird island was accepted as chronologically the first for Seychelles. A subsequent sighting at Grand Soeur was probably the same individual given the absence of any previous reports of this distinctive species.
To download full details of records accepted during the month click here.
June-July 2013
A well-travelled flamingo? (Julie Gane)
A Greater Flamingo Phoenicopterus ruber at Long Island in March 2013 was accepted during the month. This was consider by SBRC to be probably the same individual as previously confirmed at Cousine in September 2012 and Ile Perseverance October 2012 to February 2013.
To download full details of records accepted in June-July 2013 click here.
October 2013
Madagascar Bee-eater at Aldabra (Heather Richards)
A record of up to four Madagascar Bee-eater Merops
superciliosus at Aldabra was accepted as the 2nd
record for Seychelles. To download full details of records accepted during the month click here.
December 2013
Greater Short-toed Lark (Martjin van Dinther)
A Greater Short-toed Lark Calandrella brachydactyla at Aldabra on 4 November 2013 has been accepted. This is the 7th record or Seychelles and the first for the outer islands.
To download full details of records accepted during the month click here.